WIW 2/14: Valentine's Day red corset and hearts

Ha, made you look! Nothing racy though, just some pics of me and the kids. I went to volunteer at DD's school for their Valentine's party--she read a cute book to the class called Penguins in Love, about two penguins who knit and fall in love. (She is learning how to knit this semester, so it was perfect). And then we played a game where the kids had to unravel the yarn to find their partner.

I got lots of compliments on the heart dress and the red corset trench. I love dressing in holiday themes!

I couldn't get any solo outfit shots because once I got home, DS2 refused to let me put him down. And of course DS1 and DD wanted to join in the fun as well! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Tory Burch navy shirtdress with white hearts
Red bow belt
Anthro Elevenses red corset trench
Ms. Scarlet red Chanel bag
Katie & Kelley red patent pumps from DSW

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  • lyn* replied 10 years ago

    Wow; I simply love this trench and navy shirt dress look on you - and what an adorable family!

  • Neel replied 10 years ago

    Awwww so cute!!! All of you :) ... Love the color combo!

  • replied 10 years ago

    Such a sweet outfit! The collective cuteness here is overwhelming!

  • abc replied 10 years ago

    Red makes me happy. Looks like it does for you too. The combo here is great and your kids are adorable.

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    You and your little Valentines are cuter than cute. xo

  • rabbit replied 10 years ago

    So much love in those pics!  Incredible trench, and very nice color combo with the navy dress.

  • retailgirl replied 10 years ago

    I love your style! Your match-y combinations are witty and subtle. Obviously well thought out, not a bit like garanimals! And you have the cutest children.

  • Ornella replied 10 years ago

    You are all so adorable.

    Your dress is beautiful and the trench and the shoes are perfect to complete the look.

  • E replied 10 years ago

    Yay for thematic dressing! And adorable children. :D

    Your activity with your daughter sounds wonderful. I'm teaching my niece to knit now, and we enjoyed reading the book Extra Yarn. Have you read that one? If not, your daughter might enjoy it, all about a little girl who knits!

  • replied 10 years ago

    Your kids are sooo cute! I love your red and blue outfit. That's one great trench. I bet your DD was proud of her mama looking so lovely. I always remember when I was little my mum often wore a red coat. Whenever she had to attend my school I always asked her to wear her red coat so that she was easy to spot!

  • Jewell replied 10 years ago

    Great V-Day outfit! The trench is a statement piece for sure. And how appropriate that your little lovies wouldn't let you get a solo shot on a day devoted to love.

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