What's on your wardrobe to-do list? Let's get cracking!

Now that I have plugged most of my major wardrobe holes and done my major wardrobe purge, I have a couple tasks that I've been procrastinating on for months that I want to finally get done.

I've been wearing mostly skirts and dresses because I was so afraid of getting it wrong with PPL and hem lengths and heel heights that I just didn't want to deal with it. Well, I forced myself to just do it and overcome my PPL anxiety. Today I took eight pairs of pants to get hemmed at Nordstrom--four pairs of trousers and four pairs of bootcut jeans that I picked up over the last several months. I picked one pair of heels for each pair of pants and brought them with me. Well, let's hope I picked the right shoes and that the hems will be close to PPL. I have a Nordstrom card so it was free to do the alterations. So you may see me wearing more pants soon!

I also have a bag of purged clothes that I am going to take to the local consignment store and see if they want anything. That's going to be another first for me but Krish motivated me with her thread. I don't think they'll take most of it (it's not designer) so whatever they don't want I'll donate to the local thrift shop (they take donated clothes and resell them and proceeds go to the American Cancer Society--I think that feels a little nicer than just dumping everything at Goodwill). Wish me luck!

Long term goal is to start selling off some of my Paul Frank purse and T shirt collection on eBay. I can't get the time to deal with that right now but someday...

So, what's on your to-do list and what are you planning to do about it? :)

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  • Kirti replied 12 years ago

    I have found a bunch of great stuff at the mall in the past few days, so my goal is to go buy it all! :P These items (two t shirts, one top and two blazers) will fill a lot of my wardrobe holes though, so I'm happy.

    Also, we're moving at the end of the month, so I need to start packing up my stuff and getting rid of some of the autumn/winter stuff that doesn't fit me/isn't as fab as I thought it was. I plan to donate this stuff to my local thrift store.

    I'm excited to see you wearing your altered pants! I'm really lazy when it comes to going to the tailor - so I'm lucky I don't have anything sitting in my alteration pile right now.

  • jenanded replied 12 years ago

    Get DH to put up full length mirror!
    Get shoes for my main season (instead coveting MORE on my off season)
    Keep the focus on real not imaginary life...
    I am pretty good on purging but for some reason am wanting to hold onto more stuff than usual
    Put away suitcase with HOLDOVER clothes

    Whew that is quite a bit!

  • Mirp replied 12 years ago

    Organize my necklaces -- I have quite a few and don't wear because I don't see them.

    Purge clothes that I did not wear this winter (and have no plans to wear in March) -- this is hard for me as I seem to be into black & gray at the moment and most of those items are browns which I may want to use again.

    Sort items into ebay & thrift shop

    Decide on & buy spring jackte or jackets

    Buy spring footwear -- I'm think brogues/oxfords. Will see if any booties are stylish/ comfortable enough for my 5 mile a day walking habit.

    Try spring styles -- I have a seasonal update booked in for this Thursday at John Lewis (a department store in the UK)

    Decide what if anything I should buy when I'm in SF, LA & NYC -- I am so looking forward to my trip!

    Pack an appropriate wardrobe for my trip -- I'm think the shoes are key.

  • Jjsloane replied 12 years ago

    Nice to know I'm in good company here, pretty much same as most, I still need to:
    1. Purge. I have to find the time to go through it all and at least photo it for review (post or not post this still helps me evaluate)
    2. Hone in on my real need list
    3. Photo and post ebay items
    4. Bring items to consignment
    5. Thanks for reminding me I have items at drycleaner and repairs that need to be picked up.

  • ManidipaM replied 12 years ago

    Wow, Natalie, you're really on top of your closet! How inspiring!

    This month, I need to:
    (1) Finish cleaning (washing, dry-cleaning, ironing) my autumn/winter/spring clothes and put them away.
    (2) Get to the bottom of the delicates mending basket (it's a lot, which suggests I should buy for my real clumsy and lazy self in future, and leave the lace and gauze and sequins to cleverer, more careful fingers)
    (3) Take a HARD look at everything I have here and purge in preparation for a possible move of uncertain duration (6 months? one year? a year and a half?).
    (4) Draw up a spreadsheet of all that remains so that I DON'T forget what I own as soon as I'm halfway across the country.
    (5) Figure out the local weather and pack for a short overseas junket later this month; make sure everything I need is clean, ironed, repaired etc! --- and decide whether I NEED at least one pair of shoes for that trip or can make do until after the move.

    In the longer term, I will be:
    (6) Rescuing orphans by remixing or alternative styling... AFTER I get brave enough to post a few more WIWs. I'll buy a partner garment/accessory only if impossible to avoid or said item very versatile.
    (7) Continuing to identify wardrobe holes --- and possible workarounds, since I will have to keep the actual shopping to a minimum this year.
    (8) Hunting down and trying out about a dozen pairs of shoes.
    (9) Getting the full-length mirror hung up (it currently stands in a corner of the spare room, which is not terribly helpful for photos).

  • Mrs Moo replied 12 years ago

    Hmmm, where to start?

    * Get 3 pairs of worn once shoes and a really uncomfortable blazer down to the charity shop this afternoon.
    * Find a way of storing my scarves that doesn't involve hanging or dangling off a hanger as this is pure temptation to the cat.
    *Follow my new shopping rules re buying for my dominant season only and no fantasy life shopping.
    * Put a couple of things in the holding zone so they are out of sight and out of mind!

    I think that's enought to be getting on with :0)

  • jayne replied 12 years ago

    Hmmm, I had a nice weekend alone after returning from vacation so I did 2 things already...
    1. sew fixes where needed
    2. try shortening a pair of shoes

    both 1 & 2 went well so I am now down to
    3. shorten the rest of the tall shoes (3-4 pairs)
    4. finish wearing and rating my last winter outfits (too cold for spring)
    5. make spring outfits and see what I might need to finish them off

    Else, I have worked pretty hard this last month purging and when on vacation filled my current wish list for the most part. So I think I might try a month or two of SYC just to see if i can do it! Until spring shows its lovely face that is!

  • modgrl replied 12 years ago

    We're almost ready for the spring turn over around here. I'm hoping to get a few more wears out of my winter gems before it gets too warm. I'll be taking a cold hard look at my summer dresses when I do the turn over. I'll be reevaluating my winter shoes too. I haven't worn my brown boots in two winters. Is it time for them to go?

  • Kim replied 12 years ago

    Time to start looking for some modal cami's for layering this summer. I am especially in need of a nude one or two (and hopefully ships for a low cost to Canada).

    I'm also going to find that "perfect" silk top for the summer, this year! LOL It's very warm and often very humid so polyester and nylon are out of the question. I might try some rayon and see how that works this year. One blousey type top should do the trick for our short hot summer.

    I'm on the lookout too for a cotton 70's style "peasant" type top to go with my jeans. Time to relive my youth! LOL

    Need to get my summer stuff out and give it a once over, and decide what's staying, and what needs to be replaced. It's still a long way off but I like to shop with a list and this will help me stay on track.

  • replied 12 years ago

    Yay Natalie, I can't wait to see you in your PPL jeans and trousers! Good job hauling everything in to be hemmed.

    I need to get my clothes sorted for 8 days in Hawaii and I'm bringing one small Rollaboard suitcase. We leave next week!

    After vacation, I need to get back to focusing on stand-alone tops. Layering T's are fine in the winter when I know they won't be seen underneath a blazer/scarf combo, but it's heating up fast and I don't want to have to strip down to a boring grey T-shirt and jeans.

  • Sveta replied 12 years ago

    Replace my old washing machine!
    Get my small spare bedroom converted into a walk-in closet.
    Do a revision of my warm weather wardrobe and identify holes which need filling.

  • RandomThoughts (Andrea) replied 12 years ago

    I need to PURGE! I have a couple pairs of shoes I need to take to a consignment shop as well as a couple of bags and probably a whole lot to donate to the thrift shop.

    I need to either get my vintage suits altered or sell them. They've hung in the closet for too long.

    Organize my closet. Again.

    Buy a great denim shirt!

  • rae replied 12 years ago

    Checked off:
    - Just donated a huge bag of clothes yesterday - feels so freeing!
    - Finished first round outfit pics for vacation

    To do:
    - Borrow last few warm items for Italy trip.
    - Finish packing so I can stop worrying about it.
    - Massive round of Ebay listings.
    - Draft pattern for replica pants.
    - Sew up replica pants.
    - Use up fabric moldering in closet to make skirts/dresses.
    - Alter items in to-alter pile (tailor a skirt, dye some tops, dye a bag, finish galaxy dress)

    Whew! Man do I need to get cracking!

  • christieanne replied 12 years ago

    All the lists are so inspiring!

    - Purge sweaters and knits - really this time. Maybe I will bring in my 10 yr stylist to help.
    - Find denim shirt and new dark skinny jeans.
    - Attend jewelry making class this week - looking for inspiration on boards and in mags.
    - replace an old watch band and one watch for repair.
    - find inexpensive dry cleaner to take older career clothes before donation
    -check on shoe consignments and bring in two bags/more shoes for look/see,

  • Abie replied 12 years ago

    I feel like I've done so much but I still have a ton to do.

    I need to

    Pack up winter things and purge a few remaining things that served me this season but need to go for next.

    Purge winter shoes and evaluate summer shoes.
    Pure Accessories
    Purge underwear

    Thinks I need for this season
    1. Accessories - After revamping my wardrobe most of my accessories are just all wrong. I need a few statement pieces, mostly necklaces and scarfs I am going to both shop for and diy some items.

    2. Summer toppers - I'd like a short sleeve cropped denim jacket, a bright colored thin cotton jacket, and maybe a couple of woven button up tops as toppers.

    3. Standalone tops suitable for summer - I need 2-3 more

    4. Skirts - Need to sew 2-3 cotton print summer skirts.

  • MsMary replied 12 years ago

    Things I accomplished over the weekend:

    1. Return 3 reject puffer coats.
    2. Drop off two jackets and one pair of pants at tailor.
    3. Find a cobalt pencil skirt.
    4. Order more Soma vanishing-edge undies. (Those things are amazing!!)

    My to-do list:

    1. Pick up the above and drop off another pair of pants at tailor.
    2. Find one fab new purse for spring -- either orange or leopard.
    3. Improve/expand loungewear/pj's capsule.

  • qfbrenda replied 12 years ago

    Today I plan to:

    **open Nordstrom box with red denim jacket inside that just showed up, decide if I'm keeping it

    **order dressy cardigan

    This weekend, I hope to:

    **buy black heels

    Overall, I need to keep filling wardrobe holes. The holes are getting much smaller so I'm making progress.

  • Transcona Shannon replied 12 years ago

    I want/need to:

    1. Figure out how to take my own outfit pics.
    2. Start going through my existing spring/summer clothes, seeing what I've got and post keep/toss pics.
    3. Finish re-doing my laundry room. Just got new washer/dryer and am now setting up a better folding station and drying rack for delicate items.

  • Elly replied 12 years ago

    I actually have a lot of work to do. I am working on doing a house-wide purge and organization project. I'm also on the hunt for something important that I am missing.

    I have a pair of jeans I need to send back in the mail.

    I have one pair of slacks that might need a nip in the waist and a hem.

    I need to do a closet purge . . . . it has been 3 years. I guess that is one way to spend an afternoon.

    I have a few nice things that were barely worn, and a few beautiful items that were sent to me by YLFers that unfortunately didn't fit which I need to photograph and re-post on the forum as giveaways.

    The rest is going to make a trip to the charity shop. I also need to encourage my mother who promised to consign a few things that she has been storing in my closet.

    I also need to find a new hairdresser. I have three "maintenance" type appointments I need to make.

    I still need to find another bra or two.

    I need new workout underwear, socks, and bra.

    I need to find a new lap suit and a new bikini.

    I'm down to one pair of jeans.

    From there, I really need to start exploring how I am going to expand and upgrade my casual capsule.

  • Laura (rhubarbgirl) replied 12 years ago

    Along with finishing some uncompleted sewing projects, I've been working to complete all my mending and little fixes - I've got most done, but one more pair of pants to rehem. I had to take out the original hem because it was too high, and then I needed to bind the edge in hem tape because it's really ravelly and I don't have a serger, which is finally done, and now I just need to do the actual hem, but none of the thread I have matches, so it will have to wait until after the next time I go to the fabric store. :) I've also got a blouse that needs its buttons resewn on, and a sweater that I want to replace the current icky gold buttons with white ones.

    Besides that I'm not buying anything right now, so I guess just getting the bags of giveaway items I culled last month out of the garage and into the hands of the charity folks.

  • replied 12 years ago

    I could really use a full-length mirror. Also, I'm working on getting more skirts and dresses into my wardrobe. For some reason I'm getting tired of pants. I think it has to do with how difficult it is to find pants that fit properly. Anyhoo, I'm ready for a change.

  • Girl X replied 12 years ago

    I have to make the winter to spring wardrobe transition. Summer to fall is the easiest since summer clothes are thin and small and store easily. Winter is always the most difficult because everything is so large and thick.

  • Aziraphale replied 12 years ago

    My to-do list:

    1. get new black jeggings hemmed
    2. get hair cut
    3. find skinny bright red belt
    4. find perfect pair of flat oxfords

  • fashionista replied 12 years ago

    Here goes my list
    1. Get an animal print ballet flats. I do not have one and am searching for the perfect one.
    2. Get a tailored white button up shirt that fits me snuggly.
    3. Buy some cute girly tops, blouses, tunics. The more the better.
    4. Update my boring dark colored work suits with what I don't know. Help appreicated.
    5. Find a nice pair of pumps or summer shoes that goes with my worksuit. In winter I had been wearing ankle length booties, and now spring is already here.
    6. Get some nice fitting custom made salwar kameej for the festive seasons coming up this year. 1 or 2 would be fine.
    If you give me the space and time, I would go on jotting down my list here.LOL

  • chewyspaghetti replied 12 years ago

    My wardrobe To Do list begins and ends with staying within my budget- which is currently $20/month plus whatever I can save out of my grocery budget :(

  • Ana replied 12 years ago

    I have a small pile of clothing that needs to be altered. I just need to bite the bullet and get it done, already. :)

  • Amy replied 12 years ago


    Donate boxes and bags of clothing to charity

    To Do:

    - Return the blouses I bought yesterday.
    - continue searching for comfortable work shoes
    - finish sewing green blouse

  • Meredith1953 replied 12 years ago

    Everybody has such great lists! I need to spend some more time photographing my outfit combos and see which ones work well and which ones need help. This will also need to be done in tandem with purging rejects. I need to photograph each item of cloting I am keeping (didn't Mo do this????) and put them up on Pinterest so that I have a better idea of refining my very conservative style. I own no casual dresses or skirts....not one and I think I need to remedy that by Summer! I also need to organize my scarves and jewelry better.

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