WIW 7/13-7/14: Chanel MOTG

Still wearing my new purse all the time, whether it's for work or MOTG. Does it work for these casual looks as well?

1-4. The first one is the Zara fish top with jeans. These are the transitional jeans I bought at TJ Maxx for postpartum and they're already sliding off me. Took the kids to a birthday party.

5-8. The second outfit is my polished UWP MOTG look, with the leather jacket and grey snakeskin skinnies (the ones I tried to wax a long time ago, but it didn't work out) and grey snakeskin wedge sneakers and UWP metal cuff. These Blue Essence jeans are a size 2 and I can't believe I fit back into them, but I can't stand the boyfriend and looser styles sliding off my butt, especially when I'm wearing the Ergo carrier. I still have about 6-7 lb left to go, but I can fit in my old jeans with a little shimmying. Normally I'd wear the studded black or silver satchel with this. Does it still work with the pop of red in this all black and grey outfit, or is the Chanel too highbrow for this slightly rocker-ish look? Took the kids to swimming.

DS2 is sick--I had to bring him to the doctor yesterday and it turns out he has ear infections and bronchiolitis. He is really fussy and won't nurse and it's driving me crazy because I can't feed him unless he's on the verge of falling asleep, but today and tonight he won't even eat when he's sleepy. I was so engorged last night and today I had to pump because he wouldn't drink. I think it's either his reflux or he's stuffed up or his ears hurt. I feel bad because I gave him my cold. I hope he gets better soon! And the antibiotics are giving him the runs so he is spitting up and having blowouts on me. At least the shirt is machine washable and the spit up came off the leather with a baby wipe! Also, petty rant, but my hair is turning grey (thank you 40's!) and it's falling out by the handful (it's what happens every time my babies turn 4 months old...a normal hormonal event but still disconcerting nonetheless).

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  • rae replied 10 years ago

    It's official: the bag goes with everything! You will have the CPW down in no time. Do you think you'll use your old bags much anymore?

  • goldenpig replied 10 years ago

    Rae, I will use my other bags, but I'll have to force myself to, haha! Think of how much I would have saved if I had bought this purse first instead of all the other ones!

  • lyn* replied 10 years ago

    Pfft, don't force yourself, Natalie! Use Miss Scarlet whenever you want! :) 

    I hope your hair goes back quickly - at least your smile is still brilliant!

  • Scarlet replied 10 years ago

    First of all the outfits look amazing. That is exactly the way to enjoy your bag. So sorry your little guy is sick though. Poor baby.

  • Lyn D. replied 10 years ago

    The bag looks so lovely with all your outfits!
    Such a stylish 'new Mum'.

  • replied 10 years ago

    Poor babby. I hope he is feeling better soon. You look great!

  • Sveta replied 10 years ago

    I am with Rae - this bag goes with everything!
    Your poor bay...ear infections are the worst! I hope he will be better soon!
    My hair was falling off like crazy when I was pregnant, those hormones! It did not really recover after,  I had pretty think hair before and now maybe 2/3 of it only.

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